Call for Participation – PDC Industry Day

I’m honoured to be helping to organise the first ever Industry Day for PDC 2010, along with the fabulous Jeanette Blomberg and Ellen Balka. This will be a great opportunity to gather people from Sydney, Australia and beyond to discuss issues of participation and how technology can assist! See short call below or grab the PDF

Join us for Industry Day at PDC 2010 : supporting collaborations between research and practice in the area of participatory design.

As part of the 11th Biennial Participatory Design Conference
Sydney, Australia
29 November – 3rd December 2010
University of Technology, Sydney @pdcSydney #pdcsyd

Participation by people in the design of the systems they use is integral to the way we do business, support civic engagement, collaborate and connect with clients, constituents and community. The Participatory Design Conference is an important venue for international discussion of the collaborative, social and political dimensions of technology innovation and use.

Join us for the first ever Industry Day at Participatory Design 2010 to support collaboration between research and practice in the participatory design of products, services and systems.

Industry Day, held on the 2nd of December, will include a keynote address, case studies of the application of participatory design approaches within industry, a cross disciplinary panel, a “pitch fest” where ideas for innovative products and services will be presented to a panel of judges, and opportunities for informal discussion.

We are excited to invite submissions from industry practitioners across commercial, government and not-for-profit sectors to present as part of the special industry track. We also encourage practitioners who are working with participatory methods or interested in introducing such approaches to attend, learn, share and collaborate around the topic of participation and methods for co-designing where ‘users’ become active participants. Participants will have the opportunity to hear practitioners from various fields report on new research, methods and approaches.

We are now seeking submission for:

Case study presentations
– that report on the use of participatory design (PD) methods, tools, and/or practices within commercial, non-profit and governmental organisations.

The PDC Pitch Fest
– where representatives from not-for-profit and academic sectors “pitch” design ideas to ‘industry’ in a short, lively format.

Submissions Due: August 13 2010
Notifications Due: Mid September

Visit for more info and see for submission format and process.

Enquiries to industry (at)

What is Participatory Design?
Participatory Design is a diverse collection of principles and practices aimed at making technologies, tools, environments, businesses, services and social institutions more responsive to human needs. A central tenet of Participatory Design is the direct involvement of people in the co-design of things and technologies they use.

Participatory Design has its roots in the Scandinavian labour movement of the 70’s and over the years has broadened its impact to areas such as health care, international development, civic engagement, local government, education, communications, agile software development, new media, architecture, and the arts. Methods that are becoming common in industry today such as co-operative prototyping, future workshops and scenarios had their origins in early Participatory Design research.

The Participatory Design conference
PDC is an international conference for research on participatory design of systems, services and products. The conference has been held every two years since 1990 and it attracts over 300 researchers and practitioners from around the world. This year PDC is in the Southern Hemisphere for the first time and will be hosted by the University of Technology, Sydney, Australia.


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