

Akama, Y., Hagen, P. & Whaanga. D (Forthcoming) Problematising co-design models to foreground respect, responsiveness and reciprocity, Design and Culture Special Issue

Hagen, P. & Stone G. (2017) Lifehack Impact Model, System Level Interventions in Youth Mental Health and Wellbeing, Project Report for Lifehack, a Prime Minister Youth Mental Health Project

Working together to Achieve Wellbeing in Waitematā, (2017) Co-authored project report published on the Family Violence Clearinghouse

The Attitude Gap, Understanding the South Auckland Youth Employment Challenge  (2016) Co-authored project report published by the Auckland Co-design Lab.

Hagen, P. & Robertson, T. (2014) Designing Mobile Diaries, Negotiating practice-led design research in a professional design setting, In Yee, J. & Rodgers, P.,   (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Design Research. Taylor & Francis

Young, G. & Hagen, P. (2014)  Encouraging fresh food choices with mobile and social technologies: Learnings from the FlavourCrusader project. In J. Choi & M. Foth (Eds.), Eat, Cook, Grow: MIT Press

Hagen, P. Collin, P. Metcalf, A. Nicholas, M. Rahilly, K. & Swainston, N. (2012) Participatory Design of evidence-based online youth mental health promotion, prevention, early intervention and treatment, Young and Well Cooperative Research Centre, Melbourne.

Nicholas, M. Hagen, P. Rahilly, K. & Swainston N. (2012) Using Participatory Design to Engage the Uninterested, PDC 2012

Hagen, P. & Robertson, T. (2012) Social Technologies: The Changing Nature of Participation in Design (Design Issues, Forthcoming)

Rahilly, K. Nicholas, M. Hagen, P. Metcalf, A. & Swainston N. (2011)’s Future Service Strategy Development: A Case Study of How to Marry User Centred Design and Evidence-Based Program Development Approaches to Create an Online Youth Mental Health Service. Ozchi 11, Canberra, Australia

Hagen, P. & Rowland, N. (2011) Enabling Codesign, Johnny Holland (Online Magazine)

Hagen, P. (2011) The Changing Nature of Participation in Design: A practice-based study of social technologies in early design research, PhD Thesis, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, University of Technology, Sydney

Hagen, P. & Robertson, T. (2010) Social Technologies: Challenges and Opportunities for Participation. Participatory Design Conference, 2010, (presentation) Sydney, Australia (preprint pdf)

Hagen, P. & Rowland, N., (2010) Mobile Diaries: Discovering Daily Life Johnny Holland (Online Magazine)

Hagen, P. & Robertson, T. (2010) Seeding social technologies: strategies for embedding design in use.  International Design Research Society Conference 2010, Montreal, Canada (pdf).

Hagen, P. & Robertson, T., (2009) Dissolving boundaries: social technologies and participation in design. Ozchi 09, Melbourne, Australia (presentation) (preprint pdf)

Hagen, P. & Gilmore, M., (2009) Emerging a User Experience Strategy Johnny Holland (Online Magazine)

Hagen, P. & Gilmore, M., (2009) User Stories: a strategic design tool  Johnny Holland (Online Magazine)

Hagen, P. & MacFarlane, J., (2008) Reflections on the role of seeding in social design. Ozchi 08, Cairns, Australia (presentation(pdf)

Hagen, P. & Underwood, D., (2008): Understanding motivation and enabling action towards change. Pervasive Persuasive Technology and Environmental Sustainability Workshop. Pervasive 2008, Sydney, Australia.

Hagen, P., Robertson, T. & Gravina, D., (2007): Engaging stakeholders: mobile diaries for social design. Designing User Experience 07, Chicago, USA. (presentation) (pdf)

Sadler, K., Robertson, T., Kan, M. & Hagen, P., (2006): Balancing work, life and other concerns: a study of mobile technology use by Australian freelancers. Nordichi 2006.

Hagen, P., Robertson, T. & Sadler, Kirsten (2006): Accessing Data: methods for understanding mobile technology use. In Australasian Journal of Information Systems, 13 (2).

Hagen, P. & Gravina D., (2006): Sharing through Artefacts: client-user centred design. Object of Interaction Workshop. OZCHI 06, Sydney, Australia. (pdf)

Hagen, P., Robertson, T., Kan, M. & Sadler, K., (2005): Emerging research methods for understanding mobile technology use. OZCHI 05.

Robertson, T., Kan, M., Sadler, K., & Hagen, P., (2005): Uncovering traces of mobile practices: ‘the bag study’. In: Proceedings of OZCHI 05.

Hagen, P., (2004): Notions Of Practice; Design As Facilitation For Interactive Social Systems. Future Ground, 2004, Melbourne, Australia.

Smith, K., & Hagen, P., (2004): Informing the Everyday Interface: Exploring User-Content Relationships in Interactive Art. Interactions Conference, Sydney, Australia